Parker Poland Sp. z o. o

ul. Firmowa 30, 05-152 Cząstków Polski
Tel: +48 22 785 11 11
fax +48 22 785 09 99

Parker Poland Sp. z o.o. realizuje projekt w ramach działania 3.4. dotacje na Kapitał obrotowy Programu Operacyjnego Inteligentny Rozwój 2014-2020

Celem projektu jest:” Dofinansowanie do Kapitału Obrotowego – w związku ze spadkiem obrotów spowodowanych pandemią COVID-19, określonego we wniosku
o dofinasowanie nr POIR.03.04.00-14-0330/20”

Dofinansowanie projektu z UE: 127 128,00 PLN.

Kategorie produktów:

Nasze marki:


PN-EN ISO 9001:2015
AQAP 2110:2016

Zobacz certyfikaty



Grand Prix Racer

GRAND PRIX RACER Around the cans or close racing offshore, the grand prix racer demands ultimate accuracy and unbeatable capability from an instrument system. Custom-built racing yachts like the fiercely competitive TP52, the large and powerful maxi racers and performance superyachts like Wally Yachts lead the way in performance. They all expect the flexibility of a tailor-made solution including the ability to add a variety of sensors. The addition of the new 10/10 HV displays provides data in areas of a yacht where space is limited such as grinding pedestals and trimming positions.

Key System Components


Deckman tactical navigation software

IMU sensor

Benefits of the system

The WTP2 system, with the latest generation Wave Technology Processor at its core, is the most powerful, fl exible and accurate instrument system available. Wind data is corrected to remove the errors induced by the motion of the yacht, measured by a dedicated multi-axis rate-gyro sensor. Data is calculated and displayed more quickly than on any other system.

The WTP2 can be confi gured to accept a large variety of data including multiple GPS, heading and speed inputs along with sensors to allow measurement and display of almost any variable on the yacht – rudder angle, forestay load, mast rake etc. to provide data for rapid repeatability of settings when racing or testing.

The IMU (Inertial Measurement Unit) provides highly accurate Heading, Heel and Trim data under dynamic sailing conditions at a 10Hz update rate.

Display units can be selected from the entire H3000 range, the new HVision displays are recommended for most on-deck applications requiring quick and clear data updates to crew. GFDs should be used where the requirement is for more control of the data displayed, for example at the nav station.

Deckman software acts as the primary interface for WTP2. Seamlessly integrated, via a direct Ethernet link, Deckman gives access to WTP2 whilst providing race functions to the processor and deck displays.


The compact 10/10 HV 

HV displays can be mounted almost anywhere there is a requirement for data.

For mast displays choose from 10/10 HV, 20/20 HV  30/30 HV or 40/40 HV depending on the distance from helm-to-mast.

Custom loadcells, masthead units, software development and other non-standard solutions are available from B&G Custom Projects

Realizujemy projekt w ramach Programu Operacyjnego Innowacyjna Gospodarka Poddziałanie 6.5.2. „Wsparcie udziału przedsiębiorców w programach promocji”