Parker Poland Sp. z o. o

ul. Firmowa 30, 05-152 Cząstków Polski
Tel: +48 22 785 11 11
fax +48 22 785 09 99

Parker Poland Sp. z o.o. realizuje projekt w ramach działania 3.4. dotacje na Kapitał obrotowy Programu Operacyjnego Inteligentny Rozwój 2014-2020

Celem projektu jest:” Dofinansowanie do Kapitału Obrotowego – w związku ze spadkiem obrotów spowodowanych pandemią COVID-19, określonego we wniosku
o dofinasowanie nr POIR.03.04.00-14-0330/20”

Dofinansowanie projektu z UE: 127 128,00 PLN.

Kategorie produktów:

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PN-EN ISO 9001:2015
AQAP 2110:2016

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Performance Racer

PERFORMANCE RACER Whether club racing or sailing at national or international regatta level; racing crews are looking to be first across the line. Production one design and custom built racing yachts expect rugged reliability and high performance, both features that B&G deliver in a system with the H3000 Hercules Performance CPU at its core. The high contrast 20/20 HV displays enable the crew to see vital data in all conditions and the system also includes a Vertical Masthead Unit, forestay Loadcell and Deckman software. Advanced calibration and damping features plus tactical software combine to provide the high performance demanded by top championship racers.

Key System Components include

Vertical Masthead Unit


HV mast displays

Deckman tactical navigation software

Benefits of this system

The combination of the H3000 Hercules Performance CPU and a Vertical Masthead Unit provides accurate wind data, updated virtually instantly to the helm, navigator and trimmers on deck. Dynamic Damping allows the data to be smoothed for readability, whilst allowing data to update rapidly during periods of significant change, for example fast reaction to wind shifts or acceleration.

The combination of GFD and 20/20

HV displays ensures that all the data is clearly available, day or night.

Deckman tactical navigation software gives all the information required for the navigation and strategic decision making on board including charting, performance analysis, tracking of wind trends and layline calculations – even in tidal areas.



HV mast displays where helm-to-mast distance is over 10m (30’)

Heel sensor for improving tack-to-tack wind and speed data

Halcyon Gyro-Stabilised Compass, for improved heading, heel and trim data, with highly accurate true wind calculations

Realizujemy projekt w ramach Programu Operacyjnego Innowacyjna Gospodarka Poddziałanie 6.5.2. „Wsparcie udziału przedsiębiorców w programach promocji”