Parker Poland Sp. z o. o

ul. Firmowa 30, 05-152 Cząstków Polski
Tel: +48 22 785 11 11
fax +48 22 785 09 99

Parker Poland Sp. z o.o. realizuje projekt w ramach działania 3.4. dotacje na Kapitał obrotowy Programu Operacyjnego Inteligentny Rozwój 2014-2020

Celem projektu jest:” Dofinansowanie do Kapitału Obrotowego – w związku ze spadkiem obrotów spowodowanych pandemią COVID-19, określonego we wniosku
o dofinasowanie nr POIR.03.04.00-14-0330/20”

Dofinansowanie projektu z UE: 127 128,00 PLN.

Kategorie produktów:

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PN-EN ISO 9001:2015
AQAP 2110:2016

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More about Deckman

Enhanced Graphics

An enhanced graphics engine - including new layline options, including shaded limit layline sectors - helps the navigator visualise wind shift limits when approaching a mark of the course.

Deckman’s wide set of features allows the navigator to optimise strategy and tactics whilst racing, and allow structured testing while tuning and training.

Start screen showing bias, layline and times Inshore the Start screen, giving live updates of boat position, favoured end, gain/loss through line bias and time to line is the key to consistently good starts. Add in the ability to quickly generate windward/leeward courses, track wind-shifts and overlay tidally adjusted laylines on the chart whilst assessing strategic options on future legs and you have a clear advantage on the race course.

A competitor handicap tool allows you to keep track of competitors in handicap events with race position calculations based on user input of mark rounding times.

Offshore the navigator’s focus is on the weather. Deckman provides the best optimum routing calculations available, as used to win all the classic ocean races.

Deckman allows the user to animate multiple GRIB weather fi les including wind, pressure, precipitation and wave height to visualise the weather forecast data. With UGRIB, OCENS Weathernet and Saildocs services integrated the navigator need never be more than a few clicks from the latest weather downloads.

Using the Optimum Routing module the navigator can calculate the fastest route, whilst also using wave avoidance to route around areas with dangerous wave heights. Reverse isochrones can be used, along with competitor tracking, to determine relative positions in the fleet.

Other key features for offshore use include the use of multiple polar tables, one for performance targets, one for navigation – allowing the navigator to adjust one polar to be accurate for the actual performance of the yacht, while the crew strive to attain 100% performance based on their own polar.

Performance testing is possible via a suite of integrated data logging and analysis tools to allow accurate assessment of the performance of the yacht and crew under different conditions, during or after a race.

Single boat testing, such as a comparison of headsails, is accomplished by running Speed Tests to allow statistical comparison of one sail versus another, with a polar table overlay.

Multi boat campaigns utilise Deckman’s Two-Boat module to share data via a telemetry link, allowing wind-shift compensated performance comparison between yachts.

In either case Deckman’s integrated database logs all available data every second for 7 days, then at reduced frequency for a full year, allowing analysis of historical data against current performance.

Advanced Options

B&G Custom Projects can supply various advanced add-ins for Deckman, including Alarm Manager, T&T Reporter, Laser Range Finder and 2-Boat Telemetry modules. The Deckman Add-In interface allows 3rd party developers to integrate new functionality.

Item No Description

BGH140001 Deckman v9 C-Map (USB)

BGH140025 Laser Range Finder Module

BGH140026 2-Boat Telemetry module

BGH140027 T&T Reporter Add-In

BGH140028 Alarms Manager Add-In

BGH140030 SHOM Tidal Database - All Areas

BGH140031 SHOM Tidal Database 3 - Baie de Seine

BGH140032 SHOM Tidal Database 5 - Bretagne Nord

BGH140033 SHOM Tidal Database 8 - Bretagne Sud

BGH140034 SHOM Tidal Database 7 - Gascogne

BGH140035 SHOM Tidal Database 6 - Iroise

BGH140036 SHOM Tidal Database 1 - La Manche

BGH140037 SHOM Tidal Database 4 - Normand Breton

BGH140038 SHOM Tidal Database 2 - Pas de Calais

BGH140039 SHOM Tidal Database 9 - Vendee Gironde

BGH140040 Winning Tides Database - Solent & Isle of Wight

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